The best part about New Year's Day is the hope. Everybody has it. No matter how good or bad the past year has been, everyone welcomes the new one with arms wide, hearts open.
To do otherwise would be an invitation for despair to come to dinner and camp out on the couch. Even those who engage in daily flirtations with him are willing to bar the door, stoke the fires and hunker down on this day, where it is warm and cozy and all manner of comfort and potential exists. Even those who know him well will try -- on this day -- to pretend they can't hear him knocking.
This day is dedicated to possibility.
This is the day good wishes flow out to all without regard to ethnicity or religion. There are no underlying dogmas or potential offenses to shadow the good will. It is given freely, joyfully and with the utmost sincerity that all experience a happy new year.
You can tell yourself it is just another day.
But you know it is not.
And you can't help reflecting on the path you have taken since last you crossed this threshold.
For me, it was a blissfully uneventful year except I watched my daughter embark on a journey of wellness and fitness that is already reaping great joy for her, and for that I feel blessed and grateful.
And now that I think of it, I feel pretty happy with what I have accomplished as well.
I finished a full year of physical therapy and celebrated an anniversary of not smoking.
I saw to the publication of three amazing books, though I personally wrote none of them.
I am still employed and still loving my job after all these many years.
I am still healthy, though a new hip awaits me in 2013 (thank goodness...oh to take long walks once more)
I have reconnected with an amazing friend, a soulmate of many lifetimes.
I have tried to reinforce all the many friendships I have, although I know I am not the friend they deserve, and if I have a resolution for the new year, it is to be a better friend to them all.
I have tried to keep the family ties going, but ditto on the doing better.
I could go on and on, but I won't. That would just be an exercise in self-indulgence best done elsewhere. But this much I know. I enter this year with as few expectations as I can. I have goals. I have desires. But the universe can and will surprise me, often with greater things than I ever could have dreamed.
I think I'll enter it with joy and love and little else.
And I'll keep the sarcasm, thank you very much. It makes me happy. So, while you haven't seen it here today, I promise it will return.
It is, afterall, a part of who I am. Hello 2013. Watch out. Here we come!