Monday, February 9, 2009

Good news

That's what we all need -- a couple million doses of good news.

I mean, at every turn there's another story of ruin and destruction. Things are dire, dire dire, according to the world around us.

Are we being programed? Is our constant diet of bad news making the news bad?

According to "A Course in Miracles," the definition of a miracle is a shift in perception. Now you may believe it's all a bunch of hooey, "The Course in Miracles" and other New Age blather. Any religion for that matter. But the thought behind that definition is totally true: You believe what you perceive. What's true for you is only your perception.

And to change how you feel, choose to see things differently.

If we all started doing that would the economy suddenly start turning around. I mean, really, what is behind all this now? Sure, Wall Street had a meltdown. But don't tell me there's not plenty of abundance out there, sitting there, losing steam. It needs to get out, move around, get a little sunshine. Hide it away in the shadows, clutch it close and you choke it off -- it withers and fades.

We need to believe again. We need to focus on all the good around us. We need to get on with our lives and put everyone back to work. There are people with great credit and stable financial futures who want to buy stuff and can't because the banks have lost their faith in us.

They need to believe again, too.

Let's focus on what we DO have, not what we don't. Let's focus on what's RIGHT, not wrong. Let's shift our perception so that we see joy again.

Let's make miracles.

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